Saturday, March 24, 2007

Scooter Clubs

I have found asite that offers contacts within many scooter clubs around Australia.

It also includes an interesting group called the Australian Scooter Federation (ASF)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

an interesting site

I found a site you might find interesting
check it out.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What is a bicycle?

A bicycle is a defined vehicle. At Vicroads there are definitions that you should be aware of when designing vehicles.

Dictionary of terms

Motorcycle Sales On the Rise

the first sentence akes you realise that these guys are still into four wheels but teh article has some interesting content. Many of teh articles like this will use figures found at teh Australian bearau of statistics which you can enter through RMIT University tyo get data for your projects.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Electric Moto

The Electric moto (cycle) is similar to a trailbike or supermotard, it demonstrates teh potential of Electric racing and challenges the sedate image created by many electric scooters.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007

ENV hydrogen Fuel Cell bike

The ENV is a hydrodgen fuel cell motorcycle designed by Seymore Powell.
This is a motorcycle by definition that it is not a step through and the motor is a 'sprung weight' rather than part of teh swingarm.

But this poses a question, "given a hub motor contributes to unsprung weight does it count as a traditional scooter motor?" and "If the rear wheel is driven by a chain or belt does that compromise the scooter status?"

Quick EB

the most common reasons for electric vehicles not being used are related to performance. This guy converted a Derbi GPR50 and shows it off on utube, take a look for some good on bike camera action.

Honda have rolled out a policy/marketting campaign called environmentology here are some scooters associated with hondas eco concepts vehicles

some heavy reading

European Union post all their laws and directives on the web for citizens to have access to. I have found an intersting journal article. from here you can have alook around for other dirctives (laws) and articles that may concern our designs

Somewhere to start

Wikipedia has a few interesting pages to read about scooters, electric scooters (and motorcycles) and scooter manufacturers (this list is large and mostly about fossil fuel scooters)

For some background on technology you might want to read Electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles these pages discuss cars aand buses but there is also a paragraph for two wheeled vehicles.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Scooter EV Balotting information

Industrial Design Studio Upper Pool
24 credit points

The earliest electric cycle references are found in late 1800s patent records. The scooter concept and ‘step through' form was developed in the United States in early 1900s, US military used scooters during world war 2 but the idea was popularised by Italian and German aircraft manufactures that turned to new products manufacturing after cessation of hostilities.
In the late 1990s Scooters again raised in popularity because of their inherent economy and suitability for urban environment. European, Japanese and new Asian manufacturers now produce fossil fuel variants on the traditional theme and produce retro-styled Scooters, but Electric powered Scooters have not been so quickly accepted by scooter enthusiasts, motorcyclists or general public. This brief scooter history was gathered through wikipedia
This studio is an exploration of the potential of electric powered scooters and an endeavour to capture the qualities of scooters that endeared them to the community.
The project has partners Hywuxing Electric Cycle company from Zhejiang, China and Zhejiang University Industrial Design Department, who will assist and critique the projects we develop.
The studio will involve: Scooter Culture, vehicle styling, sketching, CAD modelling and form development.